Elqui Valley
Viña Falernia is located in the Elqui Valley between La Serena and Vicuña, 520 km (323 miles) to the North of Santiago and it is at present Chile´s nothernmost winery estate. Chile is isolated geographically, with the long and high ridge of the grandiose Andes Mountain Range acting as a barrier to the East, and the deep and immense Pacific Ocean to the West. The vast Atacama Desert to the North and a long chain on rocky islands reaching south to the Antarctic, complete the protective ring.
The soils in our vineyards are composed partly of rubble which has eroded from the Andes Mountains and deposited by glaciers and wind, and party of alluvial sand and silt deposited by the river. While stony, gravely soils are regarded as poor for most crops, their excellent drainage qualities are perfect for vine growing.
The Climate is semi-arid (average annual rainfall is 80-100 mm) making drip irrigation indispensable during the spring and summer months. Climatic factors have a crucial influence on the quality and expression of wines.
With the white-tipped picks as backdrop, the vineyards benefit from cold air currents that descend from the high mountains at night. These cold currents cause a dramatic contrast between day and night temperatures during the ripening season, from an average high of 27-32°C (80.6-89.6°F) to an average low of 10-12°C (50-53.6°F).
This impacts the ripening process favoring the accumulation of sugar in the grapes as well as the synthesis of polyphenols (tannins and coloring matter), and above all favors the development of aromas and flavors. There is no haze, cold or rainfall during the growing season and the sun shines from a clear blue sky.